Sunday, June 22, 2014

When the Miracle You Need Does Not Seem to Come

We have had tons of healing in my special needs son, and then...

*My son seemed to be healed of wheat allergies, and then we found his healing seemed to reverse.
*My son's body went against his genetic syndrome, and he maintained a good weight, then all of a sudden, he began to increase weight gain at an alarming pace.
*Misbehavior and anxiety crept back in when before, he was finding good equilibrium.

I learned over the years, during my son's 10 years, that giving his healing to God, and asking Him what I should do is the best answer.  Why?  Because...

Some things in life we cannot control

Seriously.  Perhaps I need to remind you of that today.  I know that some days I need to hear it.  Life seems to take a U-turn and we must go with it.

But, God seems to know better than he does how things are going to go. Keep the faith. Don't give up and pray for a way around evil. Trust me, in the end, your evil person (or people), will find his end. 

It will come and you and your family will be sailing free in no time. Trust God's course for your life and all that He has in store for you.

Plan for dark days and roadblocks if you can. If you can't, then ride them out. God will make a way. He will deliver you and your children, making the paths straight.

God has our back!

I love this!  

Because where there is NO WAY.  HE MAKES A WAY.  

Think about how Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt.

The Israelites ran from Pharaoh, and here he comes after them. First, God creates a storm to slow down Pharoah. The Israelites reach the shores of the Red Sea, and God tells Moses to part it.

The Lord ends the whole matter when Pharoah and his army drown in the sea.  

But, He knows the way.  Trust Him with your family.

Cry out before Him if you have to, but pull out that mustard seed from your pocket and HAVE FAITH.
In His grip~Kim

Originally published 6/22/2014

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

At Heaven's Door

I found out that a friend died several years ago, only a few weeks ago.  It hit me kind of hard, although I hadn't seen him in probably nearly 2 decades.

Yet, his death shocked me with regret.

You see, he wasn't a person who lived a righteous life, but he was a man who suffered from alcoholism, addiction, and violence.  I was a pretty young Christian when I knew him, but I began to question whether or not I had done enough to make sure that he was saved.

Sure, I had cared for him in some ways, like I made meals for him, and bought him things I knew he couldn't buy for himself.  Perhaps that was all he needed at the time and not some lecture from me about Jesus, I don't know. I tried to walk the walk as much as possible in front of him, but still, I was left wondering.

Before I found out about his death, years prior, I had resolved within myself that I had done everything to help him and that I had to move on.  I had no choice because you see, he abused me.  Yet, I still hoped for the best for him. I knew at the time, and even later, that he was not really in control of himself, but as you know, that does not make him safe to be around.  I left and never looked back.

Yet, with knowledge of his death, I found out that I always had a special love for him, which really, only God could have given me.  I really can't explain it.  Forgiveness wasn't really an issue for me; I just knew he couldn't control himself.

But, his death left me with something else--

It left me with a new picture of God's sovereign plan for our lives.  I still don't know if my friend ever became a Christian, but I hope he did.

Then, I saw this article about a little two-year-old girl with a congenital heart defect, and how within the last few weeks of her life, she began talking to Jesus.  

The story is amazing if you haven't read it.  She even began singing songs of praise to God that she had never heard before in her little life...she was hearing angelic choirs.  She would even call out to Jesus as if He was standing right in the room with her and her mother. This happened only a few short weeks before she died.

We fear death a lot in our culture.

We view it through the lens of mystery and drama shows, like CSI, but the question of God's plan for our lives rarely enters into these stories.  I wonder if we need to listen more to stories like the one above, to remind us that Heaven is a real place and eternity only happens when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior.   

But, when I hear stories of children going to heaven, or like this little girl above, I feel better about death and the Lord's plan for our lives. I still have a bit of hope for my friend too.

When we die, WE ARE GOING TO SEE THE KING!  What could be better than sitting at the feet of Jesus all the time, and listening to angel choirs, surrounded by our truest friends and believers?  What could be better than peace in the arms of God?  We will have no more death or disease!

I can imagine losing a child to death... 

Yet, honestly, I don't really know what that is like. I do know that our lives are a story, yet untold until the very end.  All we can do, for ourselves, and our children, is to live and walk with Jesus and share Him with all those we come in contact with.  Let them know that even if they think you are full of bologna sandwiches, just maybe you will plant a seed.

I don't think we need to share a specific step-by-step program of salvation, but I think we need to pray for fearlessness when it comes to sharing Jesus with those who don't know Him.  After all, we are going to heaven, and we should invite them on a level that meets them where they are.  Then, God can do the rest.

Some will disagree with me, I am sure, and think I need to repent;-), but truly, I KNOW that only God can save any of us. All I can do is my best and follow Him.  In time, through each believer's part,  He will piece together each person's life quilt as He sees fit.

In His grip~Kim

Originally published on 6/17/2014

Saturday, June 7, 2014

God Calls His People to Special Needs Land

When I gave up my dreams of the white picket fence and perfectly calm, ordered life when God blessed me with a special needs little boy. 

I already loved another son whose rambunctious spirit brought me joy. But, things drastically shifted when his baby brother was born.

This big brother, my oldest son, carried his baby brother's diaper bags and apnea monitor around as if it was any normal brother's job when he came home from the NICU.  

It certainly wasn't, but at the time, when he was 8 years old, he just took on the challenge.  

He rose to the occasion. I was so proud of him because he showed me what a heart of gold he had.

He was a shining example.

Not everyone receives special needs though

Through the hospitalizations, surgeries, hours of medical treatments, and therapies. We visited doctor after doctor, day after day, and week after week.

Yet, even when my special needs son was little, so many walked away from assisting a child like mine. 

Yet, in the midst of it all, I heard the voice of God. He whispered in my ear the truth of His will.

Yet, moms gave in to partying.  Mothers abandoned their special needs children. Other mothers grew depressed, angry, or anxious. 

Many see this life as imperfect and less than ideal. 

Many women and children are abandoned, abused, isolated, and cheated on by their husbands. Working becomes a challenge and the responsibilities of special needs mothers double in size. 

Then, people step in line to prey on our families, as if we are here simply for their sadistic amusement.

Yet, God cares for us and our children, even then.

While not everyone receives the special needs life as a Christian, I do. Further, I see this life as a reason to serve God every day as a mom. 

We have to cling to Him for answers no one has. Seeking the way of God becomes a way of life, simply because we live in a world that resists our special needs kids. 

Know this as a special needs mom:

Your family's life is special.  Hold on to His promises. The rest is left up to each individual to choose God's way. You are grafted into Jesus.

God will provide all that we need.

If you know us as special needs moms, please know this.

Every day our special needs kid takes the center stage. As a family, we bear the weight of our child's needs. Yet, God makes a way.

God calls each of us to do our part. 

He knows the way and He will answer.


And you will hear Him.

In His grip~Kim

Originally published 6/7/2014