Wednesday, November 19, 2014

God is Your Personal Healthcare Companion

Big Hero 6 and Your Personal Healthcare Companion

If you haven't seen Big Hero 6, you need to go see it as a special needs family.  We went to see it for the first time this past weekend.  It is packed, of course, with tons of action, and we, the viewers are introduced to Baymax, the Personal Healthcare Companion, and robot, of Hiro, a young boy with a gift for technology.  

In the movie, Baymax is created and programmed by Hiro's brother, whose primary job is to "heal the sick and injured." You are just left with the feeling that you just want to hug Baymax and take him home.

In the movie, Hiro leads the way when his brother dies, and injustice strikes.  A team of normally geeky kids, and Baymax, find themselves fighting for justice against a villain who, it turns out, really desires to seek revenge against a tyrant who killed his daughter.  

Hiro alters Baymax's programming to help a team of 6 accomplish his mission to retrieve his invention. Yet, in the end, Baymax's primary mission takes charge, while he uses his heart to still accomplish the immediate mission of justice.

Our own Personal Healthcare Companions can be this way.

Baymax made me think of our own helpers who meet many of our special needs families' needs in the medical, personal, and educational world.  Everything usually comes down to the medical foundation necessary for our children's health, and as special needs parents, we rely on our providers quite a bit sometimes. 

While they don't usually fight for justice;-), there are times when it does happen, in special cases, but like Baymax (and all of us really), there is a solution without annihilation...

God is the REAL Personal Healthcare Companion, who guides our hearts.

We need to trust our GREAT Personal Healthcare Companion

We can come to Him to heal the sick and injured, but at times, God stands against the enemy and defends our families.  Of course, this is a limited view of the Great I AM, but these two purposes speak volumes about the contrasting character of God's love.  

He alone should guide our moral compass, through His Holy Spirit.  And, man's laws and rules cannot match up to His. But, He brings us to and sends us people along the way whom God has ordained to meet our family's needs. And, if they attempt to annihilate us, well, He is the God of justice.

We need our earthly Personal Healthcare Companions.

While God guides us, we still need hands-on care and support for our families.  I am amazed at the "regular" world's ideas and mythology, that we are just supposed to wave the magic wand and our special needs children's care will magically happen. While we depend on God, we still need the hands and feet of Christ---workers approved by Him for service.

If you are still waiting for a Personal Healthcare Companion, seek His will first for your family; God does know the way, and He knows what we need and what doors to knock on.  

No, not everyone will listen, but the care for our special needs children must take the front seat in our families; it is the LORD's call on our life. And, if He calls us to it, then NO ONE will close the door on it.

If you have a Personal Healthcare Companion, pray for those who need one, or more.  Further, have you hugged your Baymax today?  They need all the love they can get.

Pray for His will, and He will provide what your family needs.  Seek #RealLove  #justhavefaith  #angelarmies

In His grip~Kim

Originally published 11/19/2014
During the Shmita of 2014-2015

Saturday, November 15, 2014

The God of Angel Armies

Their redeemer is strong; Yahweh of Hosts is His name; He shall thoroughly plead their cause, that He may give rest to the land, and disquiet the inhabitants of Babylon. Jeremiah 50:34

The Bible tells us that the Lord is our Defender, and sends in His Angel Armies to defend us.

Yet, sometimes our angels are not supernatural Heavenly Hosts.

Sometimes our families are covered by Angel Armies in the flesh.  

They appear as people that rise above their jobs or go out of their way to show kindness to our special needs families.  They are the people that make a difference in our lives, both short-term and long-term without even being asked.

They are the workers, teachers, chaplains, therapists, child care workers, church friends, family members, and many others who go against the norms of the world and follow God. In the flesh, they are God's Angel Armies.  

God knows their hearts and places them strategically, and usually, they are also Christians.

In Times of Darkness

The Lord's Angel Armies are there ahead of us, shielding us and protecting us. They guard the way that we must go and keep our enemies at bay. 

While to us, we see only sudden death and destruction, God knew ahead of time what they would do. Yet, He planned and prepared a way for us, knowing what we would need.

It remains a difficult plight to live a human existence, but remembering that His Angel Armies are waiting in the wings, helps us immensely in all of our worldly troubles. 

In His grip~Kim

Originally published on November 15, 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

In Sync and Prayer in The Family

Why we should have prayer in our family and how to keep the Lord in charge.

I watched a scene like this driving down the highway the other day.  Two motorcycle policemen were driving together, so in sync, and if one shifted into a lane, the other sent with him.  

It was as if there was an invisible cord between them, or a yoke if you will, that kept them together but at equal distances apart at all times.  They were truly in sync, and it was incredible to watch.

We can also tune into the Lord.

I don't know that we can be 100% this way, but really, we can develop a beautiful oneness with the Lord, listening to Him and seeking his direction in almost everything we do.  

While few obtain Paul's status, I think that with practice, we can achieve a finely-tuned ear to the Lord. Reading the Word, not just for legalistic study, but to just sit and take in, in our spirit.

Or, we can be in sync with our families

There are times when family members come together and almost know without a word what the other one needs.  We see this mostly in a mother-and-child relationship, but people with rock-solid marriages also have it.

It isn't as if we lose our individuality, but the differences match together like 2 puzzle pieces that work together in tandem.  It happens when you know someone well, or you are emotionally close.

I'm not saying it happens every day, but on those unique occasions, it can.

Prayer binds us together

Spiritual unity aside, God is the One who binds us together. Where one is weak the other is strong, but it is effortless and stamped by the Holy Spirit. 

Yet, we all face circumstances in our families and our lives when some family members stray so far from the will of God, that they end up in a pit of sorts they put themselves into.

We can offer them a hand, and even pray, but ultimately, they must climb out or pray to God to deliver them. 

Wives must divorce husbands, parents must let go of wayward children, and families may need to confront those who are on the wrong path.

In the end, it is how we each follow the Lord's plans for our lives that makes the difference. Prayer inclines us closer to the Lord's voice and helps us lead the way no matter who is following.

In His grip~Kim

Originally published 11/12/2014
During the 2014-2015 Shmita  

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

War Dogs Return To Protect and Serve at Home After Retirement

Dogs of War Serving at Home in The Family

I heard this story on K-LOVE yesterday about a war veteran and his wife. They launched a mission to provide service dogs to military veterans instead of putting them down. They further televised a presentation on A & E called Dogs of War (no longer on A & E).

The men served in the military and are suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and other injuries.  Jim Stanek, the founder of Paws and Stripes, with his wife, Lindsey, hosts the show.  He suffered a traumatic brain injury in war, and still suffers from PTSD, but came back to life through his dog, Sarge.  

The goal of a Paws and Stripes service dog is to help war veterans cope with life after service to their country.  

These specially trained dogs provide love and companionship to such men, helping them to give and receive love.  It is a special sort of therapy intended to help the veteran bond with the dog, and thus, enter back into society and connect with the people he loves.

This program can offer hope to those who are hurting.

My grandfather was killed in the Korean War, as one of the first Air Force fighter pilots in the country, and my father was a paramedic in the 82nd Airborne in the Dominican Republic.  

My great-grandfather is laid to rest with his son in a military cemetery.  I know what it is like to grow up in the fallout of the military, but I do not know what it is like to grow up in war.

Yes, the military can "grow up" some men, but for many, the scars of war linger once they return home. 

Even those who feel "called" to service, struggle with the effects of war and its losses.  Finding their hearts is the first obstacle for men (and women) in returning to relationships.

A service dog is a wonderful way to transition people to love.  

Veterans who return need our prayers

While Veteran's Day could be about all the free food and recognition they can get;-)  It is also a day to remember their sacrifices, and how God uses these men and women every day to protect our country and its freedoms.  

Encouraging them to find their way in a civilian world helps them heal and find peace. Realizing that their return from wartime only means a miracle and God's divine plan for their lives brings hope.

Yes, many suffered before and during wartime service, but many others returned and learned to thrive. 

Serving and thanking them for their service reminds them that they, too, are part of this amazing country.

God does heal and redeem, even through dogs. Please consider prayer and the support of Paws and Stripes today. It may mean the life and hope of a veteran.

In His grip~Kim

Originally published 11/11/2014
During the 2014-2015 Smita

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Get The Blankie of God's Love Today

The Blanket of God's Love

My special needs son received a blanket as a gift. Actually he receive many in his life, but this one held special significance.

He has always had a stuffed dog, named Max, which still sleeps with him, but he cherishes that blanket like it is one of his favorite toys or DVDs, only better.:-)  He carried it with him to the  ER at the hospital, hiding and playing under it in the waiting room.  

My son insisted that it cover him in his hospital bed.  He covered the dog with it, who sort of appreciated it...And the blanket lives on his bed, covering him every night.

No, this blanket is no ordinary blanket.  Because he received it from a special friend, the blanket has a special meaning to my son;  it is a warm and special reminder of love received.

Likewise, his older brother had a blankie from birth.  He cherished that blanket like Linus in the Peanuts did his blanket, carrying it with him everywhere we went.  

He tied it around his neck pretending to be Superman, and it was his source of comfort; I sewed it back together many times, and it never quite went back the way it was.  It now sits in a drawer, a holy reminder of his boyhood, quite literally.

God's love is like my sons' blankets.

They are warm and special symbols of love.  God's blankets may come in many different ways.  We may feel His love through praise and worship music, reading the Word, or hearing Him speak to us in a very special way.  

Or, we may feel His love through the love or services of other people.  We can even find Him in a supernatural way, through unexplained events.  These concrete things show us just how much God loves us.  We all need His blanket of Holy Love.

When we put our trust in Him, God's blanket wraps us up in His love and makes us feel protected.  It shelters and provides, even when the world around us seemingly falls apart.  His love is never failing, and unending.  It covers us in mercy and grace.  It fills us with love.

Many people are suffering without a blanket of God.

We cannot just give people band-aids for their hearts, particularly if they won't trust their Creator. People all around us are struggling with scars that run deep, tragedies that have occurred in their lives, and deep losses, that only God can heal.  

The solutions for them are many, and God knows how to reach them.  We can't just use our brain power to fix them.

If you are the one in need of His blanket, God does promise us He will change our hearts, when we honestly lay them before Him.  Only then can He change our lives into service for Him. 

This is the righteous life; the life where love, joy, peace, compassion, and understanding are all wrapped up in an imperfect package called, You, the Christian. 

It does not mean that our lives will become the perfect worldly package, but they will become more fulfilling than you ever dreamed.

So, have you found your Blankie?

You know, the very thing that brings you closer to God and a very deep, abiding comfort?

If you haven't, ask God, and He will wrap Himself around you. Sing praises to Him, draw, write or dance. Read your Bible and find the Spirit moving in inspiration to you. 

Once you have, rejoice and share the love of God with those around you who are in need.  He is a comfort to all of those who come to Him.

May the force of God's blankie surround you.

In His grip~Kim

Originally published 11/9/2014
During the 2014-2015 Shmita

Friday, November 7, 2014

They'll Know We are Christians by Our #RealLove

How to share God's love with those around us? Love one another.

Daffodils are a generally known flower that blooms with poison and toxicity, also known as narcissus.  Its bulbs are planted in fall, and the leaves come out in early spring, and bloom as the days turn warmer. They are God's creation, yet they are also poisonous.

In Greek mythology, Narcissus was also the name of the Greek hunter, known for his exceptional beauty.  However, he was also exceedingly proud and disdained all those who loved him. According to legend, the goddess of revenge, Nemesis, attracted Narcissus to a reflecting pool, showing him his own reflection.  Narcissus became so enraptured by his reflection in the pond, that he was unable to take his eyes off himself, and he drowned.

The name and word narcissus have come to identify how some people are so wounded that they only see the reflection of themselves, which has become a distortion.  They see their own immediate reflection, but not the truth of who they really are. They will do seemingly anything to keep the focus on their ideations of themselves and control others' beliefs.  Some can become quite psychotic, in reality.

The reflection of #RealLove

In the Hebrew Bible, the Law was the Lord’s reflection. Although man could never stand up to this, he was mindful of his sinfulness, and the priests were to intervene with sacrifices for the people's sins. This was the Old Covenant.

Then, God sent His Son in the form of a baby.  He sacrificed Jesus, for the sins of the people, the final atoning sacrifice. Thus, we have the New Covenant, meaning, we are now under the Law of Grace.

While our sins can cloud our vision of ourselves, God's perfect love shows us the truth, and as many of us know, it hurts. But, in a good way:-). Yet, we will see God's true reflection of who we are.

And so God gave us grace.

Once the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ occurred, He came among the people, yet again, to rally His disciples and encourage them.  Even Peter, who betrayed Him three times, as Jesus was led to His death.  Yet, Jesus told the disciples to gather Peter as well.

Jesus forgave the sins of the people, and then God lifted Him up to heaven, and His Holy Spirit came upon the disciples and they began to speak in "tongues" (some say in different languages).

Likewise, our sins are forgiven when we come to the cross of Jesus Christ, in true heartfelt repentance.  We are blessed with grace and mercy, and, the Holy Spirit is the guarantee of our salvation.

Narcissus is devoid of God.

Extreme self-centeredness, to the point of blaming, abuse, and even vicious back-biting and gossip are devoid of God.  While we all struggle with some of these sins on a lesser basis from time to time, the narcissist will carry out these behaviors, many times to the point of psychosis, and with a lack of conscience.  

Narcissists are truly dangerous people.  However, in the end, like the Greek legend, they will die in their distorted images of themselves, if they never repent. They remain part of the definition of evil.

When we do repent and are stamped by the Lord with salvation, we are His. We carry out our spiritual gifts, which are not necessarily acts of ’good service,’ but spiritual gifts that build up the church. 

When a person is left to cover up their addictions and destructive behaviors, such as Narcissus, they are not in the presence of Christ.  Consequently, they cannot see the Truth.

How can we know we are Christians?

Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.  To the one there is given through the Spirit, a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and still to another the interpretation of tongues.  All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and He distributes them to each one, just as He determines.  1 Corinthians 12:7-11

It comes down to Jesus, not us.

Either we turn over our lives to Him to steer us on the river of the Holy Spirit, or we find a new way to be Narcissus, the daffodil, only able to see our own reflection, and poisonous to everyone.

In His grip~Kim
Originally published January 17, 2011

Saturday, November 1, 2014

International Day of Prayer 2014

Don't stand in silence!  Join millions of other Christians today and tomorrow...

Please keep the whole Body of Christ, around the world in your prayers...Many are being persecuted, but many are being brought to Jesus Christ because of the many battles being fought in the Middle East.

The wall of religious persecution is coming down. You can click here to find out what Gospel for Asia is doing for this day.  Or, check with your favorite missions organization for their special activities to share in this mutual burden.

In His grip~Kim

Originally published 11/1/2014
During the 2014-2015 Shmita

When Your Spouse Breaks The Covenant God Gave You

How to handle an unfaithful husband in the face of God's covenant of marriage.

We picked up a new Christmas movie the other day, Coming Home For Christmas.  We actually watch Christmas movies all year long, but this was a new release for the holidays.

It was a cute story about a "perfect" family, with two twin daughters.  The problem in the story was that these two women were at odds with each other.  One had mistreated the other, and a rift developed because the offender wouldn't apologize.  They no longer felt sisterly love towards each other, and fought continuously, and were always at odds.

But, things hadn't always been this way.  When the women were little girls, they created a time capsule and buried it in their front yard.  To help the young girls work together, their father told each girl half of the directions to the location of the buried capsule.  

So, later, when they were ready to dig it up, they had to work together to locate their buried treasure. Which, of course, they carried out as women and reconciled because of it.

This story reminds me of Covenant.   

When we are called by God to Covenant with another person, it is like He gives us each half of the directions. I am not only speaking of marriage, but any Covenant He calls you to. the Lord takes our gifts and talents, spiritual and natural, and puts them together to form a unique union.

While we have a choice for Covenant, it is a choice that deep in our souls, we are called to, saying no will be very difficult. We can be miserable...  

As Christians, this is all we are called to God-ordained Covenants.  We cannot be unequally yoked; it simply won't work. The person out of sync with the will of God will drive themselves into destruction.

In Covenant, like the young girls in the story, we need each other to carry out God's will.  When one or both are out of tandem with God, the devil can have a field day.  

The Holy Spirit calls us to pray and intercede on each other's behalf. Of course, we all know that troubles will come in any relationship, but the point is, that we need each other to find the buried treasure in our relationships.

They will know you are Christians by your love...

But, this goes against the World's idea of relationships.

The world views a relationship as if it is just a contract or some sort of temporary mutual agreement. Which, of course, does not fit into God's design.  While we still live in the world and must follow its rules and laws, it does not make a relationship a Covenant. God makes Covenant.

Of course, He will bring good out of any situation we may get ourselves into, and some would argue that He perhaps brought people together just to create beauty.  Perhaps, and then we have the whole "perfect" life theory thrown out the window...Which, of course, doesn't happen.

But, who are we to understand His ways...?  The world isn't perfect, otherwise, we wouldn't need a Savior.

God has not called us to yoke ourselves with evil.

I see this false idea taught and preached over and over again in the Christian community.  It is based on perfection and the idea that human relationship is wrapped up in some perfect package. 

Insisting that Christians continue to remain unequally yoked on the false pretense that they can save anyone is that.  False. We are called to rise above and set the example, not yoke ourselves with people whom we must drag around.

It remains our duty to force them to repentance by making strong decisions to protect our families.

We are children of the Covenant of Promise

No matter how we view our earthly authority, our first authority is God the Father.  If leadership, either under the Church, or not, is carrying out evil against others that is deliberate and persistent, God will deliver justice. The people perish under an evil ruler.

Why will He do this? Because we are children of the Promise.  We are His, stamped with His seal of approval.  He will protect us, or deliver us, from evil, when we cry out to Him, putting our full trust in Him.  God will provide for our every need.

How do I know this?

If you are the persecuted Church, He will not let your foot slip and He will deliver you somehow.  He promises His children this. Rest secure in His hands. 

He delivered my family many times from homelessness, threats, financial persecution, shunned by our family, and abuse; I KNOW that He will protect both His Covenant with you, as well as those whom He has placed you in Covenant with.

He will heal and bind up your family's wounds.  Yes, pray without ceasing, but trust that He has good plans for you and your family.

So now I am giving you a new commandment; Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.  Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.
John 13: 34-35

In His grip~Kim

Originally published 11/1/2014
During Shmita 2014-2015