Showing posts with label Bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bible. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The Gift of God


A gift of God in the form of two genetically created flowers.

Special Needs Land hits most of us really hard, I know. I experienced it myself. My special needs son was not born typically but came by Cesarean. 

Further, when they pulled him out of my womb, he collapsed and went straight to oxygen. Then he went to NICU for two weeks. His medical equipment filled the living room when he came home with a genetic diagnosis.

Yet, when I chose his name, it was before I knew that he was a special needs baby. 

Gift of God just sounded right.

My son's older brother at the age of 5 had prayed for a baby brother, and God gave him one. I knew I wanted another baby, but I was not sure if I was too old to get pregnant. 

Yet, along came my son, Gift of God. 

He was a challenge, but always a gift, even before he was born.

They told me he would just sit and watch tv

While television sure is a favorite pastime of many, it really does not have anything to do with who my son is today.

But, the point is we were told many things like this that limited my son to a behavior that had little to nothing to do with who he is as a person.

My son is a gift of God because he is a creation of God. 

He holds likes, interests, and activities that define who he is. Plus, he loves to go places and do things, which of course, do not have anything to do with television! 

Do we run up against the wall of his genetic syndrome? Yep, you bet. But, I always encourage him to be who he is and encourage him in his interests, even as he grows and changes. 

In truth, his tantrums and meltdowns are far worse than I imagined (being honest here). The professionals who were/are supposed to help us, often times fail to do that. And the system is one big pile of corruption.

But, when I look at my son, receive his hugs and sloppy kisses, or listen to his childlike banter (even as a big kid), I know that I am blessed. 

The bad days are just that.

They are just bad days. 

It is really hard to remember that when things are really dark and we cannot find a solution for whatever issue burdens our special needs kid.

I read the posts too of so many moms struggling under the weight of what it takes to care for our kids, and many of us do it alone. Some moms are even married and shoulder this burden alone. When we are honest, we are that mom too. She is a reflection of who we are as well.

So, at the end of the day, or even during a rough season, just take small moments to breathe in scripture, a hot bath, or an extra nap. Take the moments you can to refresh and regroup.

Remember that this season, too, will be over and better days are tomorrow or on the horizon. 

It is really not over until God says so!

God has a plan

Yep. He really does, and that includes your special needs angel (who may not always act like an angel). 

One thing I know for sure is that He created our children and then placed them here in our families for a purpose and a reason. 

It is one of the reasons why I started writing (which is one of my own personal calls by the Lord), but He also has a unique plan for both our special needs kids and our typical kids. 

Watch them. Watch how they play and talk to each other. Look for the ways they positively interact with each other and their peers. 

Nurture it and support their God-given attributes. God's purpose and plan remain in the middle of these little nuggets of our kids' personalities. 

Further, what is His plan for you as a mom and a woman of God? What is the Lord trying to teach you? Has He called you to prayer or some service to your family?

If you are not sure, ask Him and He will unfold the truth right before you.

You are not alone

I think this is where yes, our faith comes in, but also where we rely on each other for support. 

There are so many special needs groups on Facebook, and I know if you are like me, you joined several of them! 

The things we all have in common are our special needs kids, the long hours, difficult medical issues, behavioral challenges, learning difficulties, and then the rest of our duties as moms and sometimes wives.  

While we may have specific challenges as individuals, generally, it is all about our special needs kids some days. 

The unique challenges punctuate our daily lives while we struggle with being unable to go places or make a quick run to the store. Further, shuttling and caring for our typical kids and their needs remains a rather large task when you are the only one running the ship.

But, after the storm of the day, or even before it starts, God is there, waiting for you to listen to Him. 

He is the still, small voice in the peace and He is the Word on the pages of our Bibles. His Holy Spirit is what leads and guides you through each and every decision. 

Whether you are alone physically or married, He is always with you and will help you every step of the way. 

While we may not have been given the easy lives as special needs moms, we are blessed with a Mighty God who knows everything that we need.

In His grip~Kim

Monday, September 19, 2022

The Story of My God-Given Divorce


My God-Given Divorce and How it Blessed Us

I waited years to really write about my divorce. Mostly out of respect for the violent behavior of my Ex-husband. I mean, really, you don't poke a tiger unless you want it to maul you.

So while I have long since carried my heart to the Lord for healing, I knew that I could not give it to a man like that again. 

I knew that he committed adultery against me, but he was careful to cover his tracks, so later I surmised that he had done it over and over again. 

Once I climbed over the hurdle of betrayal and hurt that comes with an adulterous and abusive husband, I arrived face to face with the religious narcissistic lies of the church.

You need to forgive him (and trust him again).

You were called to save him.

Just pray for him until he comes home. 

On and on it went like this. 

And when that did not work the way they wanted it to, it became a different manipulation.

You need to repent, Sister.

God is punishing you.

Whispers and stares followed me all over the church as if my purity before God meant absolutely nothing. What they surmised as sexual purity (staying married to an adulterer) wasn't purity at all.

The religious women who never had to worry about an unfaithful husband or a life of abuse from a sheep-dressed wolf clucked their tongues at me and branded me with a Scarlet Letter A. 

The problem is that none of it was even true.

What they did not see were my cries to God to save us from getting killed by this man. The best I felt I could hope for with this man was to not catch some horrible sexual disease he picked up somewhere. Or, not wake up yet again while he was raping me in my sleep.

Worse, once the truth began to come out about who he was, we were left abandoned by corrupt local law enforcement when I found a fully-loaded assault Army rifle hidden in our backyard shed. The case he kept it in had several magazines of bullets in the case. All he had to do was point, unlock, and shoot that gun. 

My children and I were completely abandoned, even though we were completely his victims.

The point is that these people in the church had no idea what was going on, so they created some erroneous sin they made up and accused me of needing repentance.

None of it was born of the Holy Spirit.

Because after all, evil men do not marry Godly women, right?

And she must have done something to make him do what he did, right?

The problem is their own coverups

I mean, really. How many evil women narcissistically point their accusing finger at abused women and their children, while evil men refuse to live up to anyone's Christian standards. 

But, the truth of the matter is that it isn't because the rest of us need some level of repentance, but because these women are filled with dead bones themselves. 

You see, in a world full of psychology and mental health crises, the truth remains that such women harbor cold, dark hearts that hate. They marry evil, immoral men, who cling to their selfish delusions. 

The image of Jezebel and her husband, Ahab comes to mind quite quickly. She sent her evil husband after a prophet of God, and when that didn't work, she went after him herself.

While the modern church may not go quite that far, how right are they when they shun women for rightly getting a divorce from adulterous men?

Worse, they try to make men "repent" and go back to their wives. Why? Do they want them to victimize their wives again?!

So God had the last word

Not only did He give me a divorce, but He made a way for my sons and me to live in our home and continue our life of homeschooling.

The Lord helped me get the money I needed, and we lived a happy, and generally peaceful life like this until COVID. 

Without my Ex-husband.

And not once did I invite twenty men over to stay the night or even visit a bar...

I mean, seriously, why do people think that? Is that what they did?! 

I hate bars and I want to get married, not pick up random, stray men.

So, yes, God knew that my children and I deserved better, so He gave it to us.

I cannot say why some people act that way

For the longest time, I struggled to understand why people in or out of the church attack innocent bystanders with such hate. 

I still don't.

But, what I have learned is that only God can rescue someone, even from themselves. I could not in a million years rescue my Ex-husband from himself. 

But, what I can continue to do is not rescue him. Proverbs tells us:

A violent-tempered person will pay the penalty; if you effect a rescue, you will only have to do it again. Proverbs 19:19

Nor can I rescue attacking women from themselves either. 

These people must repent before a mighty God, who is their Creator and truly Lord over all. If they don't, well, then what can the rest of us do about it? 

I can tell you that inviting them to church really isn't the answer, especially if they believe they are not the problem---everyone else is.

You either accept the gift that God has to offer you, or you don't.

God has the final say

And that, my friends, is the last word. 

The Lord does allow for divorce for adultery. Just because two people are married, does not mean that a man cannot commit adultery and defile the marriage bed. 

Because trust me, a man does defile the marriage bed when he goes after another woman other than his wife. Or even rapes the wife (or another woman) he has.

He cannot go back and make it right. Nor can he undo what he did. It is what it is.

He made a choice to not follow God.

Further, a woman is not impure because she was violated by her husband. She does not brandish the adultery label. 

No, her husband is the one who gets to carry that load.

And, woe is it to those who carry the load of adultery and worse, refuse to repent. 

If you are divorced

God will bless you for a divorce He has granted. The harsh words in the Bible about how God hates divorce are generally leveled at men who are unfaithful.

Sure, not all women are pure and in control of themselves, but rarely does a woman commit adultery. It generally tends to not be in our nature.

Even if you did wrong your husband, then you have the choice to repent and find God's forgiveness. If you did, then you are forgiven.

But, I promise you that God's will and purposes of sexual purity will be carried out in our marriages and our families.

If we are faithful to the Lord and seek His will in our lives, then He will faithfully carry out our purposes, even if He must remove evil from our homes. 

Trust God always and follow His will for your life and all will go well with you.

The Lord is always faithful!

Saturday, August 27, 2022

The Parable of The 10 Virgins and Being Ready


I don't know about you, but COVID sort of shook up my ideas about money and health. You know? 

It seriously does not matter how much money or family members you began the Pandemic with,

because most people lost out in one way or another. 

Then, if you contracted the virus, you find yourself battling the effects long after it visited you. 

So, I pondered this pasage in the Bible:

At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.

“At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’

“Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’

“‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’

“But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.

“Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’

“But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.’

“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour." Matthew 25:1-13

What was Jesus talking about?

Don't you wonder this? Sure, He was probably prophesying again about how He was going to die on the cross and save the world. 

But, also, I wonder why in the world the women would need to have extra olive oil for their lamps? Is He talking about oil here, or was He really teaching His lesson with a parable? 

Chances are he used this story, or parable, to illustrate His Messianic purpose on this Earth. 

Think about it. 

"Listen to My Words so that you will have enough faith."

Can you see it now? 

Light is coming after COVID

Some of us still feel in darkness because of all the destruction we have suffered in the past two years. Yet, glimmers of light have begun to shine. 

People are returning to work

Kids are somewhat going back to school

Businesses have returned back to an almost normal

Traffic is back on the highways.

So, even if you are still living in the darkness and things look bleak. Take heart because the Lord is coming, and He will redeem our lives into a new place.

We will come out stronger than before if we "do the work" of making extra oil so our lamps will not go out. 

We won't run out. God will give us all that we need. 

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Turning Your Life Around With The Joseph Principle


What is the Joseph Principle and how can it help you follow God?

I ran across this concept the other day. For some reason, I had not heard this idea before. So, if you are like me, listen close to hear the Joseph Principle. 

While at first, Joseph's story seems to not have anything to do with money, it does teach us a lesson about money. 

Joseph's story begins with his coat of many colors and the vivid dreams he shared with his family. The jealousy of his brothers, in particular, led to Joseph's subsequent capture and slavery in Egypt. 

Yet, what started off as a disaster in Joseph's life, became a fulfillment of the dreams he had and God's blessing on his life. 

While you might argue that he did not have many blessings since he was enslaved by the Egyptian government throughout his adulthood, consider his wealth and power. 

Joseph was in charge of the household of the greatest guard in all of Egypt. Pottifer was the man in command of Pharoh's safety. In other words, he was a Hebrew man who held great power and authority, even though he was a slave.

And so, we begin to see the early dreams he had to play out. 

Then, Pottifer's wife accused Joseph

She wanted to sleep with him, and Joseph, having a greater vision of God's purpose in his life, refused. Eventually, she turned on him for his rejection and accused him of rape. 

As a result, Joseph was then thrown into prison. 

Yet again, though, Joseph's gifts from God rose to the forefront and he became a prison overseer. Pretty soon, he interpreted dreams among the prisoners. 

In other words, God's call on his life began to rise again and his life took an amazing turn.

Then Pharoh needed a dream interpreter

And guess who he called? Joseph. You see, Pharoah heard all about Joseph's gift in the prison, and he called for Joseph to interpret his dark dream.

In fact, no one could interpret it, but Joseph.

In one event, God turned around his life and the darkness of it, into his life's purpose.

And so, Joseph was promoted.

Just like that.

Are you waiting for your call?

Is there something in your life that you are waiting for? Perhaps things look dark and you simply cannot get ahead of your challenges. 

Yet, in the twinkling of an eye, you could get even more than what you need. 

Let God prepare you and prepare the way, then when the Lord's time is right you will step into your future. 

"Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one so discerning and wise as you. You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you.”
Genesis 41:39-40

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Who is Your Allegiance to? Is It God or Man?

 As we continue to journey through the virus-ridden world, people are given the opportunity to follow God or other people's ideas of how to live. 

Unfortunately, many will drop like flies, but truly, some will be faithful to the Lord.

Far too many people have used this season to simply do what they want to themselves and to other people. Criminals attempted to expand their reach and mocked the rest of us for having very little help from law enforcement.

To say that this time has been so intensely evil is an understatement. Jesus said to us the following.

Then He said to them, “Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.  And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven. 

Luke 21:10-11

A Season to Keep Our Eyes on the Lord

I think that as we watch the unfolding of so many evil people, sickness pervades our world, and war rages on, we must pray.

God gives us seasons to dig our roots deeper into Him. 

Let's face it, life brings challenges that shift our focus on from the One to whom all allegiance is due. Our viewpoint becomes the world's and we miss our line of vision.

Yet, God reminds us of what His purpose is. You see, while our life events may be incredibly important, even to Him, so are the rest of the world's events. 

Truly, there is always something in bigger play here than what is right in front of us.

Allegiance to God first, keeps us on the right path, and digging our roots into the soil of God's will and plan for our lives reminds us.

Man did not create, nor does he hold a view far enough to have all the answers we need. 

No, keep your eyes on Him, friend. He will guide your steps every step of the way. 

In His grip~Kim

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Christmas, Starbucks, Peppermint Mocha, and Gingerbread With a Side of Church

Ah, the Skinny Peppermint Mocha....with Gingerbread, mocha, and lattes.

Even in July, it sounds nice, doesn't it? Just make mine iced and I can dream of the Christmas holidays to come. 

If you imbibe in Starbucks, you will know the drink.  Every year some of us wait for Starbucks' peppermint flavorings at Christmas time...

For others, though, Starbucks rings in the holidays with controversy.  

They would rather do away with Starbucks than drink a Peppermint anything at the green and white labeled store.  There are many Christians who have confronted the company about its female-shaped symbol, which we all came to know as the Starbucks Coffee logo.

While it may be considered a sin for some, for many it is merely a great coffee store with great coffee and a green label.  

What causes one person to sin does not necessarily cause another to stumble.

There is no such thing as a Gingerbread Christian.

You know, the mold and stamp of what your church, your denomination says a Christian is.  They are the cookie cutter variety that dresses and acts the part.  

They wear certain clothes, wear their hairstyles a certain way, and talk the churchy talk.  Yet such people may look the part, but not really be a part of the Body of Christ.

Then, a real man of God walks in with his biker apparel and kneels before the cross, weeping for the Lord to intervene in a matter.

Or, a woman, who has obviously seen the seedy side of life, raises her hands in worship to the Lord, thanking Him for all that she has.  

A real Christian...

Real Christians keep their focus on God's mission for them in each and every circumstance. Their hearts are entwined with the Lord's and the everyday nuances of our culture fall to the side. 

Real Christians may lift their hands in praise, or they don't.  They may wear certain clothes or not. Or, further, they may speak with a specific vocabulary, or not.  

Some Christians get married, divorced, or stay single. Still, others grew up with a background of poverty, or in riches.  Their parents were moral people, religious, or addicted. They are special needs or not.

The combinations of Christian backgrounds and personalities are endless, dear friend because God created them all. I assure you, they are not Gingerbread Christians.  They are created by our Maker, who has a purpose and plan for all of us.

Yet my prayer for all of us is this

That we all seek Christ above all else, following Him, and keeping Him on the throne, no matter what our backgrounds and financial status.  

Whether in family or church, we should strive to love and hug each other, share in each other's lives, and offer our support and encouragement. 

Yes, it will be messy, and the results will be worth it in the end.

We can still drink our peppermint mochas and eat our gingerbread (or not), while we fellowship with the Body of Christ. After all, it is the friends that we make more than the menu options.

In this way, we will find the unity of faith through Jesus Christ, and the Starbucks logo will fall to the side as unimportant. 

“Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

In His grip~Kim

Originally published 12/7/2014

Friday, December 5, 2014

Wave The White Flag and Surrender All to Jesus

Surrender all to Jesus and wave your white flag of surrender to Him.

"We raise our white flag.  We surrender all to YOU.  All for you.  We raise our white flag. The war is over.  Love has come. Your love has won." ~White Flag, sung by Chris Tomlin

Have you sung this battle cry in the face of extreme challenges in life? Death and life are the Lord's call. He knows when to call it quits, and when to keep going.

We can keep going with our own ideas about how things need to be done. Or, we can seek out the Lord's solutions to our daily problems. 

No matter what you face today, friend, He has a plan and knows the way. 

Surrender all to Him and you will live the life He called you to live. 

Originally published 12/5/2014
During the Shmita of 2014-2015

Monday, December 1, 2014

Mary, A Woman of God Who Trusted God's Plans For Her

Mary the Mother of Jesus and God's Plans

"Blessed is she that believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord." Luke 1:45

It all began with a baby.

Yet, the world did not see her as a mother at first.  She was just Mary, a girl in the local village of Nazareth. She was considered pure and virtuous, and Joseph desired to make her his wife. 

Then, with the visitation of an angel, she was given the mission and the seed of the Holy Spirit to become the mother of Jesus.  She believed that the Lord had done this.  It was not any person's plan for the Messiah, but it was God's.

So, when her pregnancy shows, it creates a scandal.  After all, Joseph wasn't even around.  Hadn't he been pure with her?  How could Mary have done this?  Did a soldier take her?  

Joseph just knew that Mary had been unfaithful to him, so he decided to dismiss her quietly.  It was best for everyone.

That is until Joseph was visited by an angel in a dream, who told him that Mary was carrying a baby, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and would save the people from their sins.  

Startled, he awakens, and decides to do as the angel of the Lord told him, and take Mary as his wife.

The Word of God cannot be chained.

I love this story because God's plan was not going to be stopped.  It was prophecy at its finest, laid out in the Old Testament, only to be carried out in God's perfect time.

In the Mary and Joseph story, there was no compromise; God's prophesies were to be carried out and they were His choice. 

There was no shift from what God wanted to accomplish in the birth of a Savior.  He even knew exactly how to woo Joseph, and get him on board with the Creator's plans for humanity.

He knew who had a good heart and who didn't.

Yet, Mary had to trust God first.

Could you imagine?  You are a woman of God, impregnated by the Holy Spirit, and your betrothed thinks you were unfaithful.  How could the Holy One put you in this position?  

What happened to "I have good plans for you."?  (Jeremiah 29:11)

Based on the religious rules and orders of the day, you are an adulteress and shunned as such if you carry a man's child as a single woman.  Your very life is in jeopardy if Joseph abandons you because you could be stoned to death. 

Further, if you escape the religious leaders, how are you going to provide for yourself and your child, on the way? Even your family would be disgraced and be forced to shun you.

Yet, Mary knew that God would make a way for her and the child because He put her in this situation. She had to have faith that God would defend and protect her. She had to believe that the Lord would carry out what He said He would do.

It is a reminder to trust God first.

Mary shows us this.  She had incredible faith in the face of life and death and trusted God's plans for her life, which He had already revealed to her.  

Even though Joseph wasn't exactly cooperating with the Plan, we also have to give him credit, because after all, the angel came to Mary first, not Joseph. If God tells you He is going to carry out something, then shouldn't you believe?

Do you wonder what His plans are for you?

Are you saying, "I don't know what God's plans are for me? I'm just trying to get by."  Then, ask Him, and He will tell you. Even if you don't understand right away, pray and rely on Him for everything. I mean everything, and He will show you His plans, or tell you outright.

When you know what His purposes are for you, you can better be there for your family, and carry out His mission in your life.  

After all, when we are all we can be in Christ, then we can better support our families and those we are called to serve.

What is God's plan for you in your life? Seek Him first and discover it and you will find the peace that passes all understanding. 

In His grip~Kim

Originally published 12/1/2014
Season of Shmita 2014-2015

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

God is Your Personal Healthcare Companion

Big Hero 6 and Your Personal Healthcare Companion

If you haven't seen Big Hero 6, you need to go see it as a special needs family.  We went to see it for the first time this past weekend.  It is packed, of course, with tons of action, and we, the viewers are introduced to Baymax, the Personal Healthcare Companion, and robot, of Hiro, a young boy with a gift for technology.  

In the movie, Baymax is created and programmed by Hiro's brother, whose primary job is to "heal the sick and injured." You are just left with the feeling that you just want to hug Baymax and take him home.

In the movie, Hiro leads the way when his brother dies, and injustice strikes.  A team of normally geeky kids, and Baymax, find themselves fighting for justice against a villain who, it turns out, really desires to seek revenge against a tyrant who killed his daughter.  

Hiro alters Baymax's programming to help a team of 6 accomplish his mission to retrieve his invention. Yet, in the end, Baymax's primary mission takes charge, while he uses his heart to still accomplish the immediate mission of justice.

Our own Personal Healthcare Companions can be this way.

Baymax made me think of our own helpers who meet many of our special needs families' needs in the medical, personal, and educational world.  Everything usually comes down to the medical foundation necessary for our children's health, and as special needs parents, we rely on our providers quite a bit sometimes. 

While they don't usually fight for justice;-), there are times when it does happen, in special cases, but like Baymax (and all of us really), there is a solution without annihilation...

God is the REAL Personal Healthcare Companion, who guides our hearts.

We need to trust our GREAT Personal Healthcare Companion

We can come to Him to heal the sick and injured, but at times, God stands against the enemy and defends our families.  Of course, this is a limited view of the Great I AM, but these two purposes speak volumes about the contrasting character of God's love.  

He alone should guide our moral compass, through His Holy Spirit.  And, man's laws and rules cannot match up to His. But, He brings us to and sends us people along the way whom God has ordained to meet our family's needs. And, if they attempt to annihilate us, well, He is the God of justice.

We need our earthly Personal Healthcare Companions.

While God guides us, we still need hands-on care and support for our families.  I am amazed at the "regular" world's ideas and mythology, that we are just supposed to wave the magic wand and our special needs children's care will magically happen. While we depend on God, we still need the hands and feet of Christ---workers approved by Him for service.

If you are still waiting for a Personal Healthcare Companion, seek His will first for your family; God does know the way, and He knows what we need and what doors to knock on.  

No, not everyone will listen, but the care for our special needs children must take the front seat in our families; it is the LORD's call on our life. And, if He calls us to it, then NO ONE will close the door on it.

If you have a Personal Healthcare Companion, pray for those who need one, or more.  Further, have you hugged your Baymax today?  They need all the love they can get.

Pray for His will, and He will provide what your family needs.  Seek #RealLove  #justhavefaith  #angelarmies

In His grip~Kim

Originally published 11/19/2014
During the Shmita of 2014-2015

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

War Dogs Return To Protect and Serve at Home After Retirement

Dogs of War Serving at Home in The Family

I heard this story on K-LOVE yesterday about a war veteran and his wife. They launched a mission to provide service dogs to military veterans instead of putting them down. They further televised a presentation on A & E called Dogs of War (no longer on A & E).

The men served in the military and are suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and other injuries.  Jim Stanek, the founder of Paws and Stripes, with his wife, Lindsey, hosts the show.  He suffered a traumatic brain injury in war, and still suffers from PTSD, but came back to life through his dog, Sarge.  

The goal of a Paws and Stripes service dog is to help war veterans cope with life after service to their country.  

These specially trained dogs provide love and companionship to such men, helping them to give and receive love.  It is a special sort of therapy intended to help the veteran bond with the dog, and thus, enter back into society and connect with the people he loves.

This program can offer hope to those who are hurting.

My grandfather was killed in the Korean War, as one of the first Air Force fighter pilots in the country, and my father was a paramedic in the 82nd Airborne in the Dominican Republic.  

My great-grandfather is laid to rest with his son in a military cemetery.  I know what it is like to grow up in the fallout of the military, but I do not know what it is like to grow up in war.

Yes, the military can "grow up" some men, but for many, the scars of war linger once they return home. 

Even those who feel "called" to service, struggle with the effects of war and its losses.  Finding their hearts is the first obstacle for men (and women) in returning to relationships.

A service dog is a wonderful way to transition people to love.  

Veterans who return need our prayers

While Veteran's Day could be about all the free food and recognition they can get;-)  It is also a day to remember their sacrifices, and how God uses these men and women every day to protect our country and its freedoms.  

Encouraging them to find their way in a civilian world helps them heal and find peace. Realizing that their return from wartime only means a miracle and God's divine plan for their lives brings hope.

Yes, many suffered before and during wartime service, but many others returned and learned to thrive. 

Serving and thanking them for their service reminds them that they, too, are part of this amazing country.

God does heal and redeem, even through dogs. Please consider prayer and the support of Paws and Stripes today. It may mean the life and hope of a veteran.

In His grip~Kim

Originally published 11/11/2014
During the 2014-2015 Smita

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Get The Blankie of God's Love Today

The Blanket of God's Love

My special needs son received a blanket as a gift. Actually he receive many in his life, but this one held special significance.

He has always had a stuffed dog, named Max, which still sleeps with him, but he cherishes that blanket like it is one of his favorite toys or DVDs, only better.:-)  He carried it with him to the  ER at the hospital, hiding and playing under it in the waiting room.  

My son insisted that it cover him in his hospital bed.  He covered the dog with it, who sort of appreciated it...And the blanket lives on his bed, covering him every night.

No, this blanket is no ordinary blanket.  Because he received it from a special friend, the blanket has a special meaning to my son;  it is a warm and special reminder of love received.

Likewise, his older brother had a blankie from birth.  He cherished that blanket like Linus in the Peanuts did his blanket, carrying it with him everywhere we went.  

He tied it around his neck pretending to be Superman, and it was his source of comfort; I sewed it back together many times, and it never quite went back the way it was.  It now sits in a drawer, a holy reminder of his boyhood, quite literally.

God's love is like my sons' blankets.

They are warm and special symbols of love.  God's blankets may come in many different ways.  We may feel His love through praise and worship music, reading the Word, or hearing Him speak to us in a very special way.  

Or, we may feel His love through the love or services of other people.  We can even find Him in a supernatural way, through unexplained events.  These concrete things show us just how much God loves us.  We all need His blanket of Holy Love.

When we put our trust in Him, God's blanket wraps us up in His love and makes us feel protected.  It shelters and provides, even when the world around us seemingly falls apart.  His love is never failing, and unending.  It covers us in mercy and grace.  It fills us with love.

Many people are suffering without a blanket of God.

We cannot just give people band-aids for their hearts, particularly if they won't trust their Creator. People all around us are struggling with scars that run deep, tragedies that have occurred in their lives, and deep losses, that only God can heal.  

The solutions for them are many, and God knows how to reach them.  We can't just use our brain power to fix them.

If you are the one in need of His blanket, God does promise us He will change our hearts, when we honestly lay them before Him.  Only then can He change our lives into service for Him. 

This is the righteous life; the life where love, joy, peace, compassion, and understanding are all wrapped up in an imperfect package called, You, the Christian. 

It does not mean that our lives will become the perfect worldly package, but they will become more fulfilling than you ever dreamed.

So, have you found your Blankie?

You know, the very thing that brings you closer to God and a very deep, abiding comfort?

If you haven't, ask God, and He will wrap Himself around you. Sing praises to Him, draw, write or dance. Read your Bible and find the Spirit moving in inspiration to you. 

Once you have, rejoice and share the love of God with those around you who are in need.  He is a comfort to all of those who come to Him.

May the force of God's blankie surround you.

In His grip~Kim

Originally published 11/9/2014
During the 2014-2015 Shmita

Friday, November 7, 2014

They'll Know We are Christians by Our #RealLove

How to share God's love with those around us? Love one another.

Daffodils are a generally known flower that blooms with poison and toxicity, also known as narcissus.  Its bulbs are planted in fall, and the leaves come out in early spring, and bloom as the days turn warmer. They are God's creation, yet they are also poisonous.

In Greek mythology, Narcissus was also the name of the Greek hunter, known for his exceptional beauty.  However, he was also exceedingly proud and disdained all those who loved him. According to legend, the goddess of revenge, Nemesis, attracted Narcissus to a reflecting pool, showing him his own reflection.  Narcissus became so enraptured by his reflection in the pond, that he was unable to take his eyes off himself, and he drowned.

The name and word narcissus have come to identify how some people are so wounded that they only see the reflection of themselves, which has become a distortion.  They see their own immediate reflection, but not the truth of who they really are. They will do seemingly anything to keep the focus on their ideations of themselves and control others' beliefs.  Some can become quite psychotic, in reality.

The reflection of #RealLove

In the Hebrew Bible, the Law was the Lord’s reflection. Although man could never stand up to this, he was mindful of his sinfulness, and the priests were to intervene with sacrifices for the people's sins. This was the Old Covenant.

Then, God sent His Son in the form of a baby.  He sacrificed Jesus, for the sins of the people, the final atoning sacrifice. Thus, we have the New Covenant, meaning, we are now under the Law of Grace.

While our sins can cloud our vision of ourselves, God's perfect love shows us the truth, and as many of us know, it hurts. But, in a good way:-). Yet, we will see God's true reflection of who we are.

And so God gave us grace.

Once the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ occurred, He came among the people, yet again, to rally His disciples and encourage them.  Even Peter, who betrayed Him three times, as Jesus was led to His death.  Yet, Jesus told the disciples to gather Peter as well.

Jesus forgave the sins of the people, and then God lifted Him up to heaven, and His Holy Spirit came upon the disciples and they began to speak in "tongues" (some say in different languages).

Likewise, our sins are forgiven when we come to the cross of Jesus Christ, in true heartfelt repentance.  We are blessed with grace and mercy, and, the Holy Spirit is the guarantee of our salvation.

Narcissus is devoid of God.

Extreme self-centeredness, to the point of blaming, abuse, and even vicious back-biting and gossip are devoid of God.  While we all struggle with some of these sins on a lesser basis from time to time, the narcissist will carry out these behaviors, many times to the point of psychosis, and with a lack of conscience.  

Narcissists are truly dangerous people.  However, in the end, like the Greek legend, they will die in their distorted images of themselves, if they never repent. They remain part of the definition of evil.

When we do repent and are stamped by the Lord with salvation, we are His. We carry out our spiritual gifts, which are not necessarily acts of ’good service,’ but spiritual gifts that build up the church. 

When a person is left to cover up their addictions and destructive behaviors, such as Narcissus, they are not in the presence of Christ.  Consequently, they cannot see the Truth.

How can we know we are Christians?

Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.  To the one there is given through the Spirit, a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and still to another the interpretation of tongues.  All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and He distributes them to each one, just as He determines.  1 Corinthians 12:7-11

It comes down to Jesus, not us.

Either we turn over our lives to Him to steer us on the river of the Holy Spirit, or we find a new way to be Narcissus, the daffodil, only able to see our own reflection, and poisonous to everyone.

In His grip~Kim
Originally published January 17, 2011

Saturday, November 1, 2014

International Day of Prayer 2014

Don't stand in silence!  Join millions of other Christians today and tomorrow...

Please keep the whole Body of Christ, around the world in your prayers...Many are being persecuted, but many are being brought to Jesus Christ because of the many battles being fought in the Middle East.

The wall of religious persecution is coming down. You can click here to find out what Gospel for Asia is doing for this day.  Or, check with your favorite missions organization for their special activities to share in this mutual burden.

In His grip~Kim

Originally published 11/1/2014
During the 2014-2015 Shmita

When Your Spouse Breaks The Covenant God Gave You

How to handle an unfaithful husband in the face of God's covenant of marriage.

We picked up a new Christmas movie the other day, Coming Home For Christmas.  We actually watch Christmas movies all year long, but this was a new release for the holidays.

It was a cute story about a "perfect" family, with two twin daughters.  The problem in the story was that these two women were at odds with each other.  One had mistreated the other, and a rift developed because the offender wouldn't apologize.  They no longer felt sisterly love towards each other, and fought continuously, and were always at odds.

But, things hadn't always been this way.  When the women were little girls, they created a time capsule and buried it in their front yard.  To help the young girls work together, their father told each girl half of the directions to the location of the buried capsule.  

So, later, when they were ready to dig it up, they had to work together to locate their buried treasure. Which, of course, they carried out as women and reconciled because of it.

This story reminds me of Covenant.   

When we are called by God to Covenant with another person, it is like He gives us each half of the directions. I am not only speaking of marriage, but any Covenant He calls you to. the Lord takes our gifts and talents, spiritual and natural, and puts them together to form a unique union.

While we have a choice for Covenant, it is a choice that deep in our souls, we are called to, saying no will be very difficult. We can be miserable...  

As Christians, this is all we are called to God-ordained Covenants.  We cannot be unequally yoked; it simply won't work. The person out of sync with the will of God will drive themselves into destruction.

In Covenant, like the young girls in the story, we need each other to carry out God's will.  When one or both are out of tandem with God, the devil can have a field day.  

The Holy Spirit calls us to pray and intercede on each other's behalf. Of course, we all know that troubles will come in any relationship, but the point is, that we need each other to find the buried treasure in our relationships.

They will know you are Christians by your love...

But, this goes against the World's idea of relationships.

The world views a relationship as if it is just a contract or some sort of temporary mutual agreement. Which, of course, does not fit into God's design.  While we still live in the world and must follow its rules and laws, it does not make a relationship a Covenant. God makes Covenant.

Of course, He will bring good out of any situation we may get ourselves into, and some would argue that He perhaps brought people together just to create beauty.  Perhaps, and then we have the whole "perfect" life theory thrown out the window...Which, of course, doesn't happen.

But, who are we to understand His ways...?  The world isn't perfect, otherwise, we wouldn't need a Savior.

God has not called us to yoke ourselves with evil.

I see this false idea taught and preached over and over again in the Christian community.  It is based on perfection and the idea that human relationship is wrapped up in some perfect package. 

Insisting that Christians continue to remain unequally yoked on the false pretense that they can save anyone is that.  False. We are called to rise above and set the example, not yoke ourselves with people whom we must drag around.

It remains our duty to force them to repentance by making strong decisions to protect our families.

We are children of the Covenant of Promise

No matter how we view our earthly authority, our first authority is God the Father.  If leadership, either under the Church, or not, is carrying out evil against others that is deliberate and persistent, God will deliver justice. The people perish under an evil ruler.

Why will He do this? Because we are children of the Promise.  We are His, stamped with His seal of approval.  He will protect us, or deliver us, from evil, when we cry out to Him, putting our full trust in Him.  God will provide for our every need.

How do I know this?

If you are the persecuted Church, He will not let your foot slip and He will deliver you somehow.  He promises His children this. Rest secure in His hands. 

He delivered my family many times from homelessness, threats, financial persecution, shunned by our family, and abuse; I KNOW that He will protect both His Covenant with you, as well as those whom He has placed you in Covenant with.

He will heal and bind up your family's wounds.  Yes, pray without ceasing, but trust that He has good plans for you and your family.

So now I am giving you a new commandment; Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.  Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.
John 13: 34-35

In His grip~Kim

Originally published 11/1/2014
During Shmita 2014-2015

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Turning it All Over to The Lord

I heard a woman say this recently, on K-LOVE in reference to her own health.  She stated that she finally turned her health over to the Lord, and He exponentially turned around her poor health.  She stated that she was healthier now than ever before, and had lost over 120 pounds!  Amazing.

But, isn't that the God we serve?! Turning it over to the Lord is what we all need to find healing.

Our steps are made firm by the LORD when He delights in our way; though we stumble, we shall not fall headlong, for the LORD holds us by the hand.  Psalm 37:23-24

You might say, well, I turned over my health, child, or whatever to the Lord, and I am still waiting on His intervention...That just doesn't happen anymore to Christians.  But, I disagree, because I know there are many miracles around the world recorded by credible sources.

When I was just starting out in my life, I believed in the white picket fence idea. You know, my life was going to be perfect....which so did not happen.

Instead, God gave me an imperfect life!

Complete with a special needs child:-)  He did not put everything in the order I thought He should until I got my heart and mind in step with His plans for my life.  Then, I began to see His order, and I rejoiced.  Does that mean I don't doubt God's plans and think I know better?  Well, of course.  I am human.

When we read the Gospels, we see all sorts of people finding healing through Jesus and His disciples. We read the Book of Acts and think, that is what we need!  While I am not saying that we cannot find that kind of healing and power of God today, I have to say that the Spirit definitely heals miraculously where He finds the most impact.

I have also witnessed the Lord performing mighty miracles and works in special needs children and people, just to show off His presence.  It is in the middle of imperfection and desperation that God's Light shines brightly. This is part of our children's purpose in the Lord, here on earth.  Just like the birth of a Savior on a dark night!

So, when it seems like God isn't hearing your prayers, friend

Pray for the Lord to show you His plan.  Because, I promise you, when our hearts are aligned with Him, we will be used by Him in a mighty way.  I have seen it, and know it to be true.

No, I can't promise you that He will answer your prayers in the way that you ask Him, but I do know that if you turn your heart and mind over to Him more and more, you will only see an increase!

Yes, we have a choice to follow God.

Choosing to follow God's plans for our lives, outside of the choice to receive salvation, is the best choice to help us walk in His will. That does not mean that we will not have struggles, because we will, but we will overcome them with the power of God because we are in step with Him.

On the flip side, not getting in step with His plan will cause many struggles, leaving us with a feeling of being lost and abandoned by God the Father.

I don't care what your past is; all things are possible for us when we choose to follow Him first. When your life is redeemed by the One Who Redeems, you have His stamp of approval, and you will know it by His Holy Spirit living inside of you.  He will guide you in all truth because you have new life!

Turning it over to the Lord really is our best option.

We can use our intellect to make what we think is the "right" choice, but in the end, it won't really work.  Or, we can choose to follow Him and listen to the Holy Spirit, and receive a great harvest of healing.

We just cannot lose with that option.

In His grip~Kim

Originally published 10/25/2014
During the Shmita 2014-2015

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Spirit and the Bride say, "Come!"

The Bible says:

The Spirit and the Bride say, "Come!"  And let the one who hears say, "Come!"  Let the one who is thirsty come, and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.  Revelation 22:17

While our world is imperfect, with imperfect relationships, God is perfect.

There is much talk in the Christian community about marriage to one person, for life. While that is God's perfect design, it is not always possible.  Not because God cannot create miracles, but because He also gives each person a choice to follow Him or not.

There is war, death, disease, abuse, and adultery.  There are marriage partners who are unrepentant and have dark hearts.  But, while God hates divorce, He does allow for unequally yoke marriages to divide and end and calls us to peace.  

There can be no marital covenant between a believer and an unbeliever unless God says otherwise. It is only a legal arrangement at best. (1 Corinthians 7:12-16, Hebrews 13:4-5, Mark 10:6-9, 2 Corinthians 6:14-15)

Take the new legal standing in Arizona recently.

The ruling where gay marriage was made legal in Arizona was signed.  While God does outright say in the Bible that homosexual behavior is a sin, the legal system honors their commitments to each other. 

Yes, we are in a season where the government that was founded on Christian principles, is attempting to walk away from these foundations.  We can fight in the world against such immorality, but God will have the last word.  He will judge accordingly.

**And, for the record, I do not think that homosexual behavior or homosexual marriage is of God. But, yes, I do know that redemption of homosexual behavior is completely of a loving and forgiving God whose Son died on the cross for all of our sins.

The problem is: that "One person for life" has become unusual.

While, I think that marriage between a man and a woman, for life, is a beautiful gift to witness, it certainly has not become the norm.  Yes, many of those marriages are within the church walls, but many more people, who live outside of that ideal have been shut out of the Church, and need to be brought into the church walls too.  

It does not mean that God cannot make second, and even third marriages pure.  It means that we need to encourage people to repent before a loving and grace-filled God.

Just as the typical world needs to learn to coexist with the special needs world, so the ideally-lived church needs to learn to accept and coexist with the people who have lived broken but redeemed lives. It does not matter if they have tattoos and piercings.  

They cannot just shake the trees of their old lives and make them ideal, but God gave them to grace with their salvation.

This issue of less-than-ideal hasn't occurred because they are all lost!

Many are saved, even though the ideal church cannot always understand that.  But, because of the world we live in, the imperfections of this world, and the lives lived outside the ideal church, people have imperfect lives with imperfect results.

Unfortunately, some of them view the church walls as God Himself and blame themselves for imperfections, never receiving God's grace.  Others, feel resentment, refusing to trust or step through the doors of a church.  

All they see is a lack of grace and mercy, and they miss the opportunity to fellowship with other believers, even though they are genuinely saved.

What brings purity is our cleanness before God---our hearts and our confession before the Creator, who gave us the gift of eternal life.

The New Covenant Church is Ekklesia, the people whose hearts are bound together through the heart of Jesus Christ.  We are called to be part of the Body of Christ, imperfections and all.  Because even if we are living the ideal life, we are not perfect.

Jesus called us to LOVE!

Remember?  Jesus said this is the greatest commandment!

So I encourage you, love, friend, and love deeply because your friends are the whole Body of Christ, both inside and outside the church walls, made perfect in the Spirit of God, even if they aren't living the ideal Christian life.  

They really do need you and frankly, you need them too.

In His grip~Kim

Originally published on 10/22/2014
During the 2014-2015 Shmita

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Are You Pure? #justfindgrace

Church scandal rocked the Christian community recently, but, God called us to follow Him. No. Matter. What.  Adulteries or immoralities do not keep us from the throne of grace, because we can all find grace when we truly repent.

The Bible says:

But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not subject to the law. Galatians 5:18

We can stand and be the Accuser against those committing huge sins, but our own purity is more important to God.  Purity does not occur because we have a perfect life, job, income, status, paycheck, etc.  Purity comes with our cleanliness before God.  It is all about our honesty and confession before our Creator and our salvation in Jesus Christ.  #justfindgrace

Jonah thought he could run away from God's call on his life.  

You know the story in the Book of Jonah.  God brought a fish to come and swallow him until Jonah repented...after 3 days in the belly of the whale.  You would think it would only take him a few seconds, wouldn't you? I mean, if I was in the belly of a whale after having been thrown overboard into the sea to save the ship I ran from God on, I know God would have my attention already.  Or would He?  

We think that we would have done a better job, yet the story teaches us all a lesson about listening to what God calls us to, and not running away from it.  There Jonah was, in a fish, and after 3 days, he repents for not listening to God and promised to carry out what God called him to do.  

Yet, I don't think that God was trying to punish him, but He wanted Jonah to get in step with His plan, and the Master Creator knew how to do it.

God knew Jonah was His man to carry out this task.  He had a plan to use Jonah to see the people of Ninevah, the way God saw them--worthy of saving.  In other words, it wasn't all about Jonah, but it was about God's plan for His people and for Jonah.

Churchy perfection does not equal purity.

Because we are human, we stumble, yes, even as Christians.  Even Paul, who was a superhuman Christian, in my opinion, remarked on the fact that he was at war with what he knew what he should do, and what he actually carried out.  Few in the Body of Christ match Paul's abilities to walk the walk.

We all stumble, but the purity comes in our confession and change of our direction.

As Christians, we cannot remain in sin.

We have the Holy Spirit living in us.  Let us follow Him and pray for those who have lost their way.

In His grip~Kim

Originally published on 10/18/2014
During the 201-2015 Shmita

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hillsong Reminds Us That the Holy Spirit Guides Us #spiritleadme

There are so many times I have fallen short in walking in the Holy Spirit, but when I do, the LORD reminds me: #spiritleadme

In His grip~Kim

Originally published 10/15/2014
During 2014-2015 Shmita

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Pouring Out of the Holy Spirit

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit

I had a dream one night, where I saw the pouring of a glass of liquid, which, when poured out into another, shorter container, then coagulated into a mixture of synthetic chips.

The Holy Spirit watered the second container, the contents of which, were also unknown, but became something new when the Spirit poured out.

It is the picture of what happens when we are saved.

We find real redemption when Jesus really gets ahold of our hearts.  

There is no faking it.  You can put on the hat of religion and pretend you are saved.  You can say the right words and dress the part, but if Jesus is not in your heart, you will not breathe the air of the Holy Spirit.

Fake religion will be the shell you create and God will not redeem your life in its truest form.  

There was a time in my life when I walked religion.

I knew that God was out there, but Jesus did not manifest in my heart until my ears were opened. The seed had been planted, but huge, exponential growth in the Spirit did not occur until I experienced deep dark trials.  

It wasn't until my very life and the life of my children were threatened by my Ex-husband that the Holy Spirit came to life in me.  There was no longer trust in religion or good works. Darkness does not care about your works.

No, I found myself scrambling to protect us by the very power of God---the Holy Spirit. He led us through a path of winding roads that seemed inescapable, yet in the end, were our very safety.

Religion cannot save us

It is a myth that when we buy the perfect Christian music album, the perfect Christian outfit, the perfect Bible, with a monogram on it, and let's not forget the perfect Christian family, that it means we are Christians. 

We must really have an all-out experience and revelation before God that we really need him. There is no faking it.

No, I am not discounting all the funky, Hip Hop, and contemporary Christian music and worship experiences. I love that kind of music! Most of us do.  

But, let's face it, that is not what saves us. Our hearts must change and our minds will pour into new glasses, as new people. 

You were bought for a price...

How does the Spirit want to gift you?

The Spirit gifts as He chooses, those to become prophets, apostles....

I am praying for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon you.  

In His grip~Kim

Originally published 10/12/2014
During Shemita 2014-2015