Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Earth is the Lord's, Founded on the Water

When you read the second verse in Psalm 24, it reminds you that God did not start with solid ground.  He founded the world on the seas and the rivers; it wasn't the other way around.  

No matter what you are going through, remember, that the Lord is the Master of all Creation, and He CAN help us manage our problems.  Because of Jesus we can get out of the boat and walk on water.

In His grip~Kim

Originally published on 11/20/2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

(YHWH) God Created ALL People

When we think about God's creation of our children, we think that He started with our idea of perfection. You know, the perfect people, who are one ideal shape, color, and size, and let's not forget free from disabilities, always and forever since the beginning of time.  Yet, since God, the Creator made all people, I wonder if we need to reshape that belief.

Let me share this with you:

Even in the Old Testament, people and animals were "imperfect" by society's standards displaying all sorts of imperfections such as being unattractive, barren, short, giants, ruddy, hairy, and more I am sure.

Only the perfect lambs were sacrificed as an offering to God, meaning there were definitely imperfect animals who were not sacrificed.

What about the sick, the lame, and the blind?

What about those with epilepsy?

Plus, Jesus Himself stated that a blind man was created specifically for God's glory. (John 9:1-3)  Who are we to judge what God created?

Our kids are extra unique, created for a purpose that defies typical human logic.  Who are we to question YHWH?

Let's all join together to rejoice in His creation of our beautiful children.

In His grip~Kim

Originally published on 11/18/2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013

I Can Do All Things Through Christ---Even Wait

Don't you hate waiting?

Sometimes we feel stuck and cannot move forward. One thing after another keeps us back. We grow

impatient with God's plan and then we wonder if He is really listening.

We decide we need it now (whatever that is). Further, the tide of others seems to push us to go in a

the direction we know we are not to go.

Why doesn't He seem to hear us and our cries? 

Because He has another plan.

Yep. It remains that simple. 

So, practice waiting. Learn to listen to His voice. Take time to smell the roses, create, sing and love.

Then, when the time is right, God's tide of action will sweep you into the next decision.

Waiting then becomes a cherished season where we learn to find peace with God and those around us.

Further, we release the ones who refuse to listen and think they know better. 

They end up on the wrong path and in a mess.

Waiting on God is best

We find ourselves in His blessed will right on time. Even if we make a mess, God helps us clean it up!

So, bless those who curse you, and remain pure and undefiled before the Lord, seeking His will for 

each and every situation.  When the time is right, He will rise the wind beneath your wings.

In His grip~ Kim

Originally published on 11/14/2013

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Jacob's Ladder Become Jesus, The Way, The Truth, The Life

The opening to heaven...

When Jacob dreamed of his stairway to heaven, he was motivated to seek the Lord, building an altar to Him and worshiping Him.  It was a glorious time where the lineage of God's chosen people were to come through his seed, because of Isaac and because of Abraham.  This was God's promise of blessing to Jacob, and he responded.

I love this photo from Ireland, with the stairs leading up to what appears to be right up to the sky.

Although Jesus took claim to being the Ladder, upon which the angels would ascend and descend, we see a prophecy of Yeshua through Jacob's ladder.  We see not only God's blessings upon Jacob's descendants and the lineage of the twelve tribes of Israel, but we see the future Savior.

He was the physical promise who came down to heaven and became the sacrificial Lamb for our sins. With His death and resurrection, Jesus became the Ladder to God.  He became the One who bridges our path to the LORD God Almighty.

And He said to him, "Very truly I tell you, you see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man."  John 1:51

Trust that God is real and He wants to lend you a helping hand! 

In His grip~Kim

Originally published on 11/10/2013

Thursday, November 7, 2013

I am the Vine...You are the Branch

We cannot heal our children, fulfill our heart's desires, save a friend, a marriage, or anything, without our being grafted into the tree of life with Christ.


Oh, we can try to use our intellect and great problem-solving skills, but the results may not be what we expect.  That would only be by the grace of God.

While letting go this much frightens us, trusting in the True Vine brings peace. We are only the branch. Further, we receive our true source of strength and mercy from The Vine.

Without Him we are weak. With Him, we will have victory and overcome all things.

In His grip~Kim

Originally published on 11/7/2013